Step-by-Step Guide to Decluttering and Organizing Your Storage Space
By SchwebAdmin
Sometimes it’s tough to throw things away. Whether it’s junk accumulated over the years or sentimental items you can’t seem to toss, sheds and garages seem to be where it all winds up. Setting aside a day to go through piles and stacks of stored items is necessary to keep your space organized and decluttered. With enough time and a few tips, you can reclaim and maximize your storage space.
Visualize Your Ideal Space
Take a look at your storage building and imagine the way you would like it to look. Try to see past any clutter or inefficient layouts and just see the space itself. Visualize what you want your storage building to look like and how you want it to function.
Then, take a full mental account of the sheer amount of stuff you need to go through to make your vision a reality. Making a list of your ideas, as well as those ideas that are top priorities for you, can help keep you on track throughout the organization process. To avoid becoming overwhelmed, work on 1 section at a time. Put on a podcast, audiobook, or music to help pass the time and motivate you to keep going. If you want to go all out, give your shed a good deep clean and inspection while organizing your storage!
Start Sorting
This next step requires a fair number of boxes. Start off by separating them into sections and labeling them any way you see fit. There are many methods to sorting, like setting aside items for “storage” or even “heirlooms” – but most people appreciate the simplicity of the “Keep,” “Trash,” or “Donate” system. Any time you can reduce the amount of thought involved in every object, the faster the whole process will go. With “Keep,” “Trash”, or “Donate,” you can power through pretty quickly. Keep a “Miscellaneous” pile nearby so whenever you get stuck on an item you can put it there and come back to it later.
When in Doubt, Throw It Out
If you’ve gone a long time without using something in storage, you probably don’t need to keep it and can donate or trash it. The general rule of thumb here is that if you haven’t used it in one year, then it needs to go. That’s the best way to eliminate the clutter that’s overtaking your space. You can have a yard sale, donate the items, or offer them to friends and family. Ultimately, if you’re not accessing these items on a regular basis, they aren’t serving you well and you’re able to live without them. Similarly, if you have broken items you keep telling yourself you’re going to fix one day or a project that you’ve been putting off for years, unburden yourself by throwing out or giving away these items.
Increase Your Storage
Sometimes you just need an upgrade. If you’ve sorted everything and still don’t have enough space in your shed or garage, then you may need to find another storage solution. For example, you can get a garden shed for just lawn and garden equipment or buy a bigger shed to replace your old one. Try adding a loft, pegboards, a workbench, or shelves to your shed to increase organization space.
If you find yourself searching for bigger and better storage solutions, take a look at what we have to offer and our rent-to-own options. From economy sheds and greenhouses to cabins and garages, we’ve got you covered. If you need any help in deciding what storage works for you, contact us today or check out frequently asked questions for more information.